2024 12,31 02:29 |
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2007 08,27 22:44 |
まぁいつもの事だけど加熱させる要素がないと駄目だねw OFFにわにじ、tos、九条がいるから加熱出来る訳だが。 で、エーデルパケも佳境に・・・・って締め切りとっくに過ぎてますが。 みんなすんごく忙しいのが現状ですよね。無論俺もやばい! そんなこんなでこんな感じ。どんな感じだ? 前回よりもクオリティは上がっているぞ! で、パケ終わらせたら・・・・・仕上がってない共同3の譜面を・・・画像を・・・ あれだね、途中で飽きると怖いね。 DDRSN2と夏OFFで制作欲が上がって来たのはいいとしても、 こうもステマニ界隈の手譜面化が進むのはアレだよなぁ。 んでもってバナーも適当って人増えてるからDL欲が・・・・ という訳で共同はいつもと同じクオリティで進めて参りますので宜しくお願いします。 PR |
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NBAD has a network of 74 branches in the UAE in addition to Cash offices that are spread out at remote locations to provide banking services to customers stationed at offshore oil operations and in desert locations as well as other government organizations. NBAD also has three Shift offices inside the security areas of the Abu Dhabi International Airport providing currency & traveler's cheques exchange services. The branch network is widened further with 187 ATMs through which customers perform a variety of transactions. Besides brick & mortar branches, NBAD provides 24 hour internet banking accessibility through NbadOnline and NbadDirect, as well as account access and personalized customer support through the 24 hour Call Centre. NBAD's overseas network stretches from Oman and Bahrain in the G.C.C., Egypt and Sudan in Africa, London, Paris, and Geneva in Europe...<br><a href='http://informator4you.com/news/39829'>http://informator4you.com/</a>
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